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Self Installation Kits
If you plan to install your satellite system yourself, we offer two installation kits. 
The Premium kit adds a signal meter and a crimp tool to make perfect cable ends.
Standard Installation Kit
Standard installation kit for Shaw Direct, Bell TV and FTA systems:
- 100' RG6 Coaxial Cable
- Cable Strip Tool
- Compass
- Cable ties
- Cable clips
- Lag Bolts for wood
- Expansion anchors
- Machine screws
installation kits online!
Premium Installation Kit
Premium installation kit for Shaw Direct, Bell TV and FTA systems:
- 100' RG6 Coaxial Cable
- Cable Strip Tool
- Cable Crimp Tool
- SF95 Signal Meter
- Compass
- Cable ties
- Cable clips
- Lag Bolts for wood
- Expansion anchors
- Machine screws
installation kits online!
Siding Saver
This convenient product allows the mounting of an antenna base without damaging the siding of your house.
Comes in 8", 9" and 10" sizes.
- Place the siding saver bracket against the mounting surface ensuring 3 point contact at the low points of the siding surface. If not aligned, ensure you have the correct bracket size.
- Using 5/16" x 3" or greater lag bolts align mounting base with the appropriate holes on the Siding Saver bracket and attach securely to the mounting surface
- If mounting in a high dust or vegetation area, silicone around the edges is recommended. Leave small opening at the bottom to relieve condensation.
- Mount and align the satellite dish in accordance with normal procedure.
- Note: Does not work on R2000 homes.
siding saver online!