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Guide PK Tools pour le Promax

PKTools est disponible en anglais uniquement.

Promax PK Tools Tutorial at Kusat (a)

  • Start PKTools and click on Detect.

Promax PK Tools Tutorial at Kusat (b)

  • Your Promax Prodig 5 TV Explorer should be detected by the software.

Promax PK Tools Tutorial at Kusat (c)

  • Click on Channels to display the table configuration menu.

Promax PK Tools Tutorial at Kusat (d)

  • Click on LIST ALL PLANS IN PG5 to list currently loaded plans.

Promax PK Tools Tutorial at Kusat (e)

  • You may delete plans you will not use.

Promax PK Tools Tutorial at Kusat (f)

  • Wait for the procedure to complete by looking at the status update (this can take a few minutes).

Promax PK Tools Tutorial at Kusat (g)

  • Click on LOAD CANALIZATION to select a new set of tables. Select the appropriate .PRO file.

Promax PK Tools Tutorial at Kusat (h)

  • You may edit the tables on the left and delete tables that you do not need.

Promax PK Tools Tutorial at Kusat (i)

  • Once your list of tables contains what you want, click on SEND ALL PLANS TO PG5.
  • Wait for the update to complete itself by looking at the progress status window.